Virtual Reality Provides Seniors With Incredible Experiences, Prevents Depression

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Did you know that senior citizens can experience the world from the comfort of their own home?

Pandion Optimization Alliance has a contract with Rendever, a company that allows seniors to enjoy new experiences through virtual reality. 

Many residents of senior living communities have health and mobility challenges, restricting their ability to travel. Also, they face a greater risk of depression and isolation from friends and family. However, as soon as resident puts on a headset, they can be transported anywhere in the world.

To learn more about Rendever's VR headsets, please contact your national account manager or call 888.732.4282.

 About Pandion Optimization Alliance

Pandion has 70+ years of experience and more than 2,000 contracts.  We uniquely offer and negotiate local contracts that national GPOs cannot, thereby preserving your existing relationships. We also offer regional and national contracts through Premier, Inc. Pandion is an owner of Premier, Inc., one of the nation’s largest GPOs with more than $60 billion in purchasing volume from 2,900 US community hospitals and 100,000+ member organizations.

For more information about how to become a member Pandion Optimization Alliance, please contact us or call 888.732.4282.