Pandion continues to advocate on your behalf.
Pandion is sharing concerns with lawmakers and the Trump Administration about the formula CMS used to allocate the first $30 billion of the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund in the CARES Act. Allocation was based on Medicare Part A and B fee-for-service payment only. Monroe County has the second highest Medicare Advantage penetration in the nation at 66.45% and four other Pandion counties exceed 55%. Excluding Medicare Advantage from the formula means Pandion members did not get their fair share. Hospitals serving many Medicaid and uninsured patients were also disadvantaged.
Pandion Message:
- CMS must rectify this inequity when it distributes the money remaining in the $100 billion fund.
- Swift disbursement is critical as hospitals struggle with cash flow. 3. Congress must provide significantly more money in future relief packages.
We are fortunate to have a true champion in Senator Chuck Schumer, who insisted that more than $100 billion for hospitals and health systems and other helpful provisions were included in the CARES Act, and continues fighting on our behalf.
In partnership with HANYS and the regional associations, Pandion is pressing the Governor and Department of Financial Services to mandate that private payers pitch in to help prepare and respond to the COVID-19 emergency. Thus far, private payers have refused to support hospitals with cash flow to enable them to equip frontline caregivers, prepare for a surge, and care for patients.
Pandion Message: Private payers can help by immediately paying bills already owed to hospitals, setting up periodic payments, and ending administrative denials for all medical care, not just COVID testing and care. They can do so voluntarily in partnership with providers and their communities, or we call on the Governor to mandate that they do.